Saturday, February 16, 2008

iMac MAMP Server

Last night I finally bit the bullet and switched to a Mac. I've been wanting a new machine for a while now, but I couldn't figure out how to balance wanting to mess around with some development software and still have something my wife could use. I really wanted to go with Ubuntu, but it really doesn't offer the usability I like to have (I still think I'm going to put it on my old machine). Then I did some reading and discovered that OS X comes with Apache built right in, and all the dev tools I'm used to now have Mac versions. I was sold.

The point of this post isn't to gripe about what I like or hate about the new machine (for the record though, OS X is simply stunning), but rather to put a list of excellent resources to setup a MAMP server. Other people much smarter and more capable than me have written on this subject, but I found I had to go to a bunch of different spots to find it all. Here is what I found:

You're going to set things up in the following sequence:
  1. Setup Apache
  2. Setup PHP and configure the Apache config file
  3. Manually install MySQL
So let's get started...
  1. Setup Apache
    • First, go to "System Preferences", then "Sharing"
    • Click the "Web Sharing" check box
    • On your brower, go to
    • You should now see the Apache start page
  2. Setup PHP and configure the Apache config file
  3. Manually install MySQL
At this point you should be ready to go... good luck!

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